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Over 32 Years of Pioneering Hygiene Solutions: Design & Manufacturing Excellence Since 1992
Over 32 Years of Pioneering Hygiene Solutions: Design & Manufacturing Excellence Since 1992


Política de privacidad

As well as being firmly committed to improving adherence to hand and surface hygiene compliance across the UK, The Hygiene Company is also firmly committed to privacy. This statement has been included on our website to demonstrate this. What follows discloses our information gathering and dissemination practises for this website.

This site contains some links to other relevant websites. The Hygiene Company is not responsible for the privacy practises or the content of such websites.
We suggest that you check the privacy policies of any external websites that you visit.

We will not:

pass on any information to third parties (unless required to do so by law)
• use cookies to store information about your visit to our site
• collect personal information in any other way

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practises of this website, or your dealings with it, please contact us. We’ll be more than happy to help.

Our website uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to help provide you with the best experience we can. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you browse websites

Our cookies help us:

Make our website work as you’d expect
Improve the speed/security of the site
Continuously improve our website for you
Make our marketing more efficient (ultimately helping us to offer the service we do at the price we do)
We do not use cookies to:

Collect any personally identifiable information (without your express permission)
Collect any sensitive information (without your express permission)
Pass data to advertising networks
Pass personally identifiable data to third parties
Pay sales commissions
You can learn more about all the cookies we use below

If the settings on your software that you are using to view this website (your browser) are adjusted to accept cookies we take this, and your continued use of our website, to mean that you are fine with this. Should you wish to remove or not use cookies from our site you can learn how to do this below, however doing so will likely mean that our site will not work as you would expect.

We use cookies to make our website work including:

Allowing you to add comments to our site
There is no way to prevent these cookies being set other than to not use our site.

Our site, like most websites, includes functionality provided by third parties. A common example is an embedded YouTube video. Our site includes the following which use cookies:

Google – Privacy Policy
Disabling these cookies will likely break the functions offered by these third parties

We use cookies to compile visitor statistics such as how many people have visited our website, what type of technology they are using (e.g. Mac or Windows which helps to identify when our site isn’t working as it should for particular technologies), how long they spend on the site, what page they look at etc. This helps us to continuously improve our website. These so called “analytics” programs also tell us if , on an anonymous basis, how people reached this site (e.g. from a search engine) and whether they have been here before helping us to put more money into developing our services for you instead of marketing spend.

You can usually switch cookies off by adjusting your browser settings to stop it from accepting cookies (Learn how here). Doing so however will likely limit the functionality of our’s and a large proportion of the world’s websites as cookies are a standard part of most modern websites

It may be that you concerns around cookies relate to so called “spyware”. Rather than switching off cookies in your browser you may find that anti-spyware software achieves the same objective by automatically deleting cookies considered to be invasive. Learn more about managing cookies with antispyware software.

The cookie information text on this site was derived from content provided by Attacat Internet Marketing, a marketing agency based in Edinburgh. If you need similar information for your own website you can use their free cookie audit tool.

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