How to Save Lives: its OFFICIAL Clean Your hands
By The Hygiene Company | 30 April 2021
Each year the SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands campaign by the World Health Organisation aims to emphasise the importance of hand hygiene in health care and to ‘bring people together’ in support of hand hygiene improvement globally - HUG Awareness is higher than ever following the Covid messaging: Clean care for all – it's in your hands

HUG is Global
WHO calls on everyone to be inspired by the global movement to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), i.e. achieving better health and well-being for all people at all ages, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all. Infection Prevention and Control, including hand hygiene, is critical to achieve UHC as it is a practical and evidence-based approach with demonstrated impact on quality of care and patient safety across all levels of the health system.
Clean Hands on the Go
Hand washing is of course one of the most effective ways of preventing the spread of COVID-19 virus. Washing vigorously and frequently with soap and water has been the message throughout the pandemic. But what if you can't access soap and water while you are out and about? This is where antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer is essential.

Antibacterial wipes or sanitiser
We’re all now hyper aware of hand and surface hygiene due to the coronavirus pandemic, but confusion remains about exactly what works best and why.
Sometimes on the go you don't have an option but to use what's available and generally quality sanitisers and wipe are equally effective at killing bacteria and viruses if used correctly. '
Good hand hygiene is crucial in slowing spread of bacteria and viruses such as coronavirus and how they are used is important.
Wipes are used to destabilising the cells of viruses and bacteria - destroying them.
By using them not only on hands but surrounding surfaces gives the best protection against cross contamination.
The Hygiene Company supplies strong anti bacterial wipes that can be used to wipe hands and surfaces - whether at home or in the work or leisure place.
Stopping the spread of infection is key and ideally wipes should be in a dispenser which itself is
Are all wipes the same?
Ten things you should look for in antibacterial wipes and dispensers
- Are wipes suitable for hand and surface use?
- Do they kill AND removing germs & bacteria
- Are the wipes recyclable or biodegradable?
- Are wipes tested to ensure no hazardous chemicals?
- Is the packaging recyclable or biodegradable?
- Is there a price promise guarantee?
- Do they have a dispenser containing antimicrobials to further prevent cross contamination?
- Are they 100% guaranteed?
- If suitable for hands, are they dermatologically tested?
- Is the supplier an established manufacturer and wholesaler?

Which is best antibacterial wipes or sanitiser
Sometimes on the go you don't have an option but to use what's available and generally quality sanitisers and wipe are equally effective at killing bacteria and viruses if used correctly.
Good hand hygiene is crucial in slowing spread of bacteria and viruses such as coronavirus and how they are used is important.
Even the best santiser isn't always dispensed from a clean environment, repeat use can irritate skin and don't work well on sweaty or dirty hands.
They Hygiene company supply both but the preference when choice is WIPES.
Wipes are used to destabilizing the cells of viruses and bacteria - destroying them.
By using them not only on hands but surrounding surfaces gives the best protection against cross contamination.
The Hygiene Company supply strong wipes that can be used to wipe hands and surfaces - whether at home or in the work or leisure place
Out and About
Where possible wipes should be taken from a dispenser which reduces the spread of bacteria and viruses by minimising contact.
Overall wipes are the safest and most powerful way of ensuring hands and surfaces are clean and people protected. Wipes not only kill Germs, viruses and bacteria but the also REMOVE and Germs & Bacteria

Branding for illustration purposes only
Cleaning is not just for Coronavirus
Even without a global pandemic for basic hygiene your home and personal items should at least get an antibacterial clean every six months!
Electronics (especially your phone), car, contents of your purse, and keys can all harbour germs and viruses so should regularly be disinfected.